Becoming confident and independent, making friendships, finding out how to play and co-operate with others, developing a willingness to experiment and positive attitudes to learning are just some of the things that your child can gain from time in pre-school all valuable skills for life and when they start regular school. We offer continuous provision of a broad and changing range of indoor and outdoor activities to encourage the overall development of your child. Our large, well equipped playroom gives children the chance to enjoy a wide variety of experiences and challenges including:
- Imaginative and role play.
- Art, craft and cooking activities.
- Construction toys.
- Play dough, sand and water play.
- Computer activities.
- Singing and music.
- An indoor climbing frame and slide.
- Balance beams and gym mats.
- Tricycles, push-alongs and scooters.
- Numeracy other creative and participatory activities.
- CCTV Servilance.
- Air Conditioner Play Ground